WHEN: December 5 & 6, 2009. (Saturday & Sunday). We are aware that Sunday is a worship day for many people. We spent many hours trying to decide the best layout for the tournament. We hope this will not be an inconvenience for you.
WHERE: Headquarters at Hagerman Sports Complex. Venues will be Righetti High School, Orcutt Community Park, and Hagerman Sports Complex located in Santa Maria.
WHO: Open to affiliated Competitive and All-Star Recreational teams from the USYSA State Association, CYSA-N, CYSA-S, and AYSO. Eligibility for Competitive divisions Boys & Girls are U09 - U14, for All-Star Recreational divisions Boys & Girls ONLY U10, U12 and U14.
GUARANTEE: Three games.
AWARDS: Please see TOURNAMENT INFORMATION found on the web site, www.ousl.org, under Tournaments.
ENTRY FEE: The entry fee for the tournament is:
U09 - U10 is $400.00 per team
U11 - U12 is $450.00 per team
U13 - U14 is $450.00 per team
DISCOUNT FEE: If Three (3) or more teams from the same League:
U09 - U10 is $350.00 per team
U11 - U12 is $400.00 per team
U13 - U14 is $400.00 per team
PAYMENT: Check or money orders must be payable to Orcutt United Soccer League or OUSL, no personal checks accepted. Credit cards accepted on-line ONLY.
MAIL CHECK TO: Tournament Director
Sheryl Tjaden
3834 Mono Pl
Santa Maria, CA 93455
Sheryl Tjaden
Tournament Director